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The City of Hoisington offers a trolley service for rides to anywhere within the City Limits. This service is funded in part by the KDOT 5311 Public Transit Program.  The Trolley operates out of the Friendship House located on the east side of Pride Park at the corner of E. 3rd and Oak.  The Trolley may be contacted at (620) 653-2555.


The following is a list of rules and regulation regarding the use of the City of Hoisington Trolley Service:

  • The Trolley is for everyone but it is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Drivers will make every effort to maintain the schedule.  Passengers are asked to be ready ten to fifteen minutes early.  Occasionally, drivers may be unavoidably late so please be patient.

  • Special privileges will be discussed by the Executive Board on an individual basis.

  • The Trolley will go out of the city limits (one mile) during regular operating hours.

  • Smoking is not allowed on the Trolley.

  • The Trolley will not stop at liquor stores.

  • The Trolley will not be used for deliveries.

  • Handicapped persons should be accompanied if unable to care for themselves (i.e. unable to operate their wheelchair by themselves.)

  • The Trolley shall not require an individual with disabilities to be accompanied by an attendant.

  • The Trolley shall not discriminate against an individual with a disability.

  • The Trolley shall not impose special or additional charges against an individual with a disability.

  • The Trolley will require passengers, 2 years of age and below, to use an approved car seat, which must be provided by the accompanying adult.

  • The Trolley will require passengers, 3 to 14 years of age, to use a seatbelt at all times.  Passengers 15 years of age and up are not required to wear a seatbelt.

  • Abusive, crude or inappropriate language or behavior towards to driver or other passengers will not be tolerated.  The Executive Board may take action upon the matter.

  • There is a suggested donation of $1.00 per person for each time boarding the Trolley.  No donation is suggested for passengers under the age of 2.  At times, the Commission on Aging may offer pre-pay passes that allow for rides to be purchased in advance at a discounted rate.

  • Drivers will not be responsible for passengers once they have exited the Trolley.


City of Hoisington - 109 E. First St. - P.O. Box 418 - Hoisington, KS 67544 - Ph:620.653.4125 - Fx:620.653.2767 

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